Psychology Careers Festival

Psychology Careers Festival

Empsy® Mission
power people, places & planet with psychology

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Pleased to share our journeys, hints and tips with you about how you can best prepare for a career in psychology and psychotherapy at the Psychology Careers Festival 2023. Here was Natalia’s story:

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New Research: Social identity is the key factor in mental health.

Loss of social identities would lead to social isolation, distress, and depression according to the latest research.

*Empsy® Limited is the #1* social enterprise in empowerment psychology offering the best quality services in psychology, coaching, consulting, and training to individuals, organizations & communities.

Thus, we offer affordable insurances for mental health & wellness with emergency coverage 24/7.

The company is presented by GHP News with the Social Care Award 2022; 2023 as:

                                                        The Best Mental Health Coaching Consultancy – East of England

The merit-led selection process narrows down nominees to seek out and celebrate that Empsy Limited stands out from the crowd as a leading social care business. This truly represents all the challenging work @Empsy and our dedication paying off.


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Empsy® Aims
We aim to achieve the mission of empowerment by widening access to psychology through integrating the following services:

Coaching – Executive, management, peer, personal coaching, mentoring and supervision.
Consulting – a wide range of psychological interventions and consultancy services for individuals, communities & organizations.
Training – Bespoke training programmes to meet individual & organizational needs.

Research & Development (R&D) – We are committed to continuing vigorous research & development to ensure that we are at the forefront of the discipline and our products and services are evidenced-based.

Donate via to support our psycho-social environmental research and community action. Any donations (tips) go toward the Empsy® Network (Empowerment Psychology) sustainability fund.


If you have attended our workshop – We would appreciate 2 minutes of your time to answer a few questions. Your feedback will help us when arranging future events: Post-workshop Feedback

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Some of our CPD events and workshops are in collaboration with The British Psychological Society.

Click here and learn more about our next event/workshop ->…




On World Social Work Day 2022 (celebrated on the third Tuesday of March), we highlight the social work & health care professions to engage all community networks they work within to make contributions to the values and principles which enable all people to have their dignity respected through shared futures. We celebrate and promote the contributions of our profession (psychology) and Empsy® members to individuals, families, communities, wider society and the planet.

Empsy® Limited has been presented by the GHP News with the Social Care Award 2022 as:

the Best Mental Health Coaching Consultancy – East of England 

The merit led selection process narrows down nominees in order to seek out and celebrate the companies that stand out from the crowd as a leading social care business. We present our vision and action plan to co-create new global values, policies and practices that develop trust, security and confidence for all people and the sustainability of the planet.

This truly represents all of our hard work and dedication paying off.

Who are we?

The Network as a whole is a social enterprise that is non-profit making. All profits made are used to ensure that the organization is sustainable and achieve its socio-environmental objects for the benefits of its community and the wider society. Please donate via

The first World Social Work Day was in 2007 with the theme ‘Social Work – Making a World of Difference’. The 2022 theme: ´Co-building a New Eco-Social World: Leaving No One Behind´ coincides with the theme of the people´s summit (29 June – 2 July.) 

Donate via to support our psycho-social environmental research and community action. Any donations (tips) go toward the Empsy® Network (Empowerment Psychology) sustainability fund. Thank you!

What do we do?

We work alongside with you, share part of your hopes and dreams. Together, we develop skills and knowledge that would help us to transform our shared dream into reality. We provide you with the know how to make it happen.  In other words, we provide total coaching psychology support for our members and customers to help improve their business turnover and enrich their lives and communities. The services are wide-ranging; they include coaching, mentoring, supervision, training and business development.

How do we do it?
We do this by providing you with:

  • An initial assessment to help you to clarify your visions, understand your personal signature strengths and business opportunities that the world could offer you
  • Opportunities to gain new business via wider social and business network
  • Opportunities to acquire the world-class knowledge and techniques in coaching psychology that can readily be applied to your own personal and business situation
  • Opportunities to train and become an accredited coach with practising license to integrate coaching as part of your business and professional development
  • Continuous professional development opportunities via high quality 1 to 1, e-coaching and group training.
Coaching Ethics Conference

Coaching Ethics Conference

Exploring Ethics in Coaching

Demystifying and Energizing Ethics in Practice.

Our Story

The Coaching Ethics Forum (CEF) in partnership with the Association of Ethics in Coaching “AETHIC”, a nonprofit association, is excited to bring you the first-ever ethics in coaching conference: Exploring Ethics in Coaching: Demystifying and Energizing Ethics in Practice.

This two-day virtual conference will explore ethics in coaching to expand how we think, act, and engage more ethically. This conference is open to the entire coaching community—so if you are a coach, a coach supervisor, coach educator, a coaching accreditation body, please make plans to join us!

The conference will take place over two days 24 & 25 February 2022, between 9AM – 10 PM CET time, to accommodate as many time zones as possible. Attendees may join the conference anytime. Recordings of some sessions will be available for 3 months post conference.

Wendy-Ann Smith, David Clutterbuck and Jonathan Passmore will welcome attendees (image attached)

Global perspectives will include Carol Kaufman, Peter Hawkins, Bob Garvey, Robert Biswas-Diener, Angela Passarelli, Eva Hirsch Pontes, Dr. Riza Kadilar (President of EMCC Global), Magdalena Nowicka Mook (ICF CEO and Executive Director), Katherine Tulpa (Global CEO of AC & Executive Director, Wisdom8), Eve Turner (Chair of APECS), and many more speakers to come! The complete program will be ready in December—bookmark our website for the most up-to-date information regarding the conference: and on LinkedIn at the CoachingEthicsForum

Feb 24th, 2022, RSVP!

Panel Session: Expanding the boundaries of ethical thinking

Ho Law, Empsy® Cambridge Coaching Psychology Group


About Panel Session

The coach as a scientist-practitioner in practice is a process of inquiry. In this process, the coachee is a participant of the research into their own life. The qualitative research paradigm can therefore apply to the coaching conversation. Typically, qualitative research consists of semi-structured interviews. The interaction between the researcher and participant stops at the end of the interview. The ethics application stage usually requires researchers to ensure that they do no harm to their participants at the end of the interview without further intervention, but to simply provide them with information on a briefing sheet to seek further help. Is this ethical and to whose benefit? An exception is action research which does involve intervention in the process. A coaching conversation can be action research in practice. This panel session welcomes participants to explore the common ethical issues for researchers (confidentiality, harm, deception and the choice of interventions) further for developing innovative research and ethical practice in coaching beyond its conventional boundary.


The introductory presentation will include the key arguments about coaching as a research inquiry process in practice, the role of coaches and coaching psychologists (Law, 2019). Using narrative coaching as an exemplar and research process as a metaphor for coaching conversation (Law, 2000; Berman & Brown, 2000), the significant moment of change (SMOC) also known as the aha moment, can be located at the evaluation stage. This moment is likely to occur when both the coachee and coach reflect on their conversation, the coachee’s learning could then scaffold across the zone of proximal development (Vygotsky, 1962), with Motivation and Anchoring a new plan of action (Stelter, 2012).

Conference Details


Exploring Ethics in Coaching
Interactive Virtual Conference

February 24 & 25, 2022


All presentations and panesl except the GDPR presentation will be recorded and available for a time post conference. Q&A and Networking – discussions will not be recorded.

ICF has awarded the conference 19.5 CCEUs (16 in Core Competencies and 3.5 in Resource Development).

Association for Coaching has awarded 17.5 hrs CPD.

Registration fee 50 euros (two days)


Global voices joining together to discuss ethics in coaching—will you join us?  #CEF 2022

The Venue

Register here


Please read our Netiquette. The how to of Zoom if you have trouble connecting send an email to

If you wish use transcription services you can follow the instructions here

We recommend checking for your time zone at World Time Buddy site

Access to the conference will be available on the Program Day 1 February 24 and Program Day 2 February 

Download the CEF2022 Information Booklet here

We would love for you to follow our LinkedIn page Coaching Ethics Forum








We Can’t Wait To Discuss With You!

We’re trying to discuss the role of coach as a scientist-practitioner in research & practice. 

Empsy® 42nd Mindfulness & Psychotherapy Workshop

Empsy® workshop Advanced Psychological Interventions: Beyond the third wave

Friday 15 Oct 2021 (on site + online)

The sacred tree of life – its mythology, story, music & song for empowerment

Get your ticket here:  Tickets

About this Event

A series of experiential participatory workshops on mindfulness-based psychological interventions with Compassion Heart & Cosmoecopsychology

Chair and Convener: Professor Ho Law, Chartered & Registered Psychologist; Life Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine

Facilitator: Professor Milton Mermikides & Ghislaine Regout

The events are open to ALL, members & non-members are welcome.


  1. Understand narrative approach, in particular, Tree of Life as a metaphor, its rationale, formulation and evidence basis practice;
  2. Understand mythology of the sacred tree of life that embraces Cosmic Consciousness and spirituality;
  3. Know how to integrate music in narrative practice in groups and communities;
  4. Know how to enhance mindfulness practice to work with other approaches;
  5. Know how to write a poem/song lyric, basic song structure, and composition with four chords as part of narrative structure.

The workshop will conclude with a group session to consider how approaches you learned can be applied

in your field.

About the facilitator

Professor Milton Mermikides is a composer, guitarist and educator in a wide range of musical styles and collaborates with artists and scientists as diverse as Tim Minchin, Evelyn Glennie, Pat Martino, John Williams, Professor Morten Kringelbach, The Swingle Singers, Steve Winwood and Brian Eno. Son of a CERN nuclear physicist, he was raised with an enthusiasm for both the arts and sciences, an eclecticism which has been maintained throughout his teaching, research and creative career. He is a graduate of the London School of Economics (BSc), Berklee College of Music (BMus) and the University of Surrey (PhD). He has lectured, exhibited and given keynote presentations at the Royal Academy of Music, TedX, Royal Musical Association, European Sleep Research Society, British Sleep Society, St. Bart’s Hospital, British Library, Royal Physiological Society, Royal Society of Medicine, Hong Kong Academy of the Performing Arts, The Design Museum, Smithsonian Institute, Glastonbury, Charterhouse School, The Science Museum, Manchester Science Festival, Aldeburgh Music, Ableton’s 2017 & 2020 Loop Conference (Berlin) and his work has been featured in the Times Higher Education, BBC Radio 4 Midweek, BBC Radio 3 Music Matters, The Guardian and BBC Radio 4 Inside Science. He is published by Viribus, Deutsche Grammaphon, Mute, Extreme, Cambridge University Press and Oxford University Press, and has won awards and commendations for writing, teaching, research and his charity work. Milton is a Reader of Music at the University of Surrey and Professor of Jazz Guitar at the Royal College of Music. He lives in London with his wife, the guitarist Bridget Mermikides, and his daughter Chloe, a 7-year old experimental noise-artist.

Ghislaine Regout BSc (Radboud), MSc (Radboud) MBPsS. Ghislaine is a psychologist, musician and writer. She’s got an MSc in Clinical Psychology and runs her own private practice, in which she offers therapy, coaching and counseling for a range of problems, including depression, anxiety and work-related issues. She is trained in, and often works with several forms of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Client Centered Therapy. As a musician, she is currently working on her first studio album, and her book about career coaching is being reviewed. As both a trained psychologist and musician, she also has a vested interest in how music can be used in therapeutic treatment, and a publication is currently under review. Since 2017, Ghislaine and Professor Ho Law have been working together on workshops that combine Narrative Therapy and music. She is secretary of the Psychotherapy Section of the British Psychological Society and works in London and the Netherlands.

10:30 – 11:00 Coffee & Registration
11:00 – 11:15 Introduction
11:15 – 12:00 Livestreaming PowerPoint Presentation – CCC
12:00 – 12:15 Coffee break
12:15 – 13:00 Second Session
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch break
14:00 – 14:45 Third Session
14:45 – 15:00 Tea break
15:00 – 16:00 Fourth Session – a group exercise
16:00 – 16:30 Plenary Session – Panel Q&A.


Get your ticket here:  Tickets

Empsy® 41st Mindfulness & Psychotherapy Workshop

Empsy® workshop Advanced Psychological Interventions: Beyond the third wave

Friday 17th September 2021 (on site + online)

Moving Beyond Recovery Toward Well-Being

Get your ticket here:  Tickets

About this Event

A series of experiential participatory workshops on mindfulness-based psychological interventions with Compassion Heart & Cosmoecopsychology

Chair and Convener: Professor Ho Law, Chartered & Registered Psychologist; Life Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine

FacilitatorDr. Alexandra Dent, Registered and Chartered clinical psychologist

The events are open to ALL, members & non-members are welcome.


  1. awaken our connection to Cosmic Consciousness with the heart as our centre of Consciousness
  2. nurture the blueprint for Cosmic Consciousness;
  3. mediate between the worlds of mystic, the science, the spiritual and the material;
  4. Understand the value and significance of living life through the heart or heart and soul;
  5. live a more authentic life.

The workshop will conclude with a group session to consider how approaches you learned can be applied

in your field.

About the facilitator

Dr Alexandra Dent is a Registered and Chartered clinical psychologist,

Europe Accredited EMDR Child & Adolescent Consultant, EMDR Consultant and Training Facilitator and author.

Alexandra has been working with individuals across the age span for over 25 years, having worked in academia, the NHS and since 2011 she has run her own successful Independent Clinical Practice in the East Midlands, UK. Her particular areas of interest include trauma, attachment work, mindfulness and spirituality. Alexandra is an active member of the EMDR community and was Chair of the UK & Ireland Child & Adolescent EMDR Committee (2017-2021) and is current Chair of the Special Interest Group in EMDR & Spirituality that she set up in 2019. Alexandra is also the founder of Heart Led Psychotherapy (HLP), developed out of her own personal spiritual journey and challenges as well as her clinical practice. She has written a book entitled ‘Using Spirituality in Psychotherapy: The Heart Led Approach to Clinical Practice’ (Routledge, 2019) and she also works as a spiritual coach, supporting others on their spiritual journey and awakening process. Alexandra has run regional, national and internationally workshops on Mindfulness as well as how to integrate BioPsychoSocial Approach to treating trauma.

10:30 – 11:00 Coffee & Registration
11:00 – 11:15 Introduction
11:15 – 12:00 Livestreaming PowerPoint Presentation – CCC
12:00 – 12:15 Coffee break
12:15 – 13:00 Second Session
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch break
14:00 – 14:45 Third Session
14:45 – 15:00 Tea break
15:00 – 16:00 Fourth Session – a group exercise
16:00 – 16:30 Plenary Session – Panel Q&A.


Get your ticket here:  Tickets

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